Download (eBook) Desde Cualquier Punto de Vista

Read online or Download Desde Cualquier Punto de Vista Desde Cualquier Punto de Vista by Jorge Biggs

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eBook Details:

ISBN: 9781450209403
ISBN-10: 1450209408
Published: 3rd May 2010
Format: PDF
Format: PDF
Language: English
Published: 3rd May 2010


Desde Cualquier Punto de Vista p?rdida del autom?vil de la empresa, del chofer y de mil prebendas que cre?a que ser?an para siempre.
El tema no es menor, cuando va acompa?ado del relato de personajes como el junior de la oficina, (Pablo Carre?o), quien junto a su amigo Sebasti?n (con una ambig?edad sexual el primero y una abierta homosexualidad el segundo), organizan una Brigada de Asalto cuyo financiamiento en una primera etapa est? a cargo de una f?brica de condones que ellos mismos han montado. Personajes como la madre de Sebasti?n (Mar?a Elena Lillo) antigua combatiente del VOP, de la secretaria (Melinda) que es capaz de cualquier cosa con tal de no fallarle a su jefe, o del sub gerente (Claudio Vald?s Fonk) quien con un c?lculo c?nico y sin frontera aspira al cargo m?ximo, se armonizan en forma sinf?nica con la suegra del protagonista, que es v?ctima del terrible mal de Alzheimer, y de su esposa, una mujer "de clase" quien, desde su soledad pasiva, ve transformarse su entorno sin tener recursos ni respuestas para enfrentar el derrumbe del mundo en que creci?. La novela transcurre con una velocidad abismante con una serie de otros personajes tan reales como los que construye Biggs los que van relatando una historia lineal y transversal a la vez, desde su personal punto de vista. Desde Cualquier Punto de Vista (From Any Point of View) is an audacious look at Santiago de Chile. With fast prose, a constant change of narrator and with an irreverence that we didn't see in his previous books, Biggs faces the problems of everyday life in a story that could be your own. The central plot involves a very successful executive (Carlos Sims) who, at the peak of his career, is unexpectedly fired, hence, facing all the losses-the company car, the chauffer, and thousands of other perks he thought would last forever.
This theme is knit with the story of a sexually ambiguous junior executive (Pablo Carre?o) and his homosexual friend Sebasti?n, who together decide to organize a Brigade of Assault, financed by a condom factory. The story is filled with rich characters like Sebasti?n's mother (Mar?a Elena Lillo), a former V.O.P. Militant (an armed leftist group in Chile during the sixties); Melinda, the secretary who is ready to do anything for her boss; or the assistant manager, (Claudio Vald?s Fonk) who's trying to claw his way to the top of the Company with a lack of scruples and a cynical attitude. Woven into this rich tapestry is Carlos' mother-in-law, a victim of Alzheimer's; his wife, a woman "with class" who, from her passive loneliness, sees her world fall apart without having means or answers to face the destruction of the world she grew up in. Biggs has created a novel of breathless speed with a series of other characters that tell the story in a lineal and transversal way, from their own point of view.

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